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Table 1 Pig-associated zoonoses suspected to be endemic in Southeast (SE) Asia that can cause high fever, muscle pain and other influenza-like symptoms (acute febrile illness)

From: Cultural drivers and health-seeking behaviours that impact on the transmission of pig-associated zoonoses in Lao People’s Democratic Republic


Aetiological agent

Transmission route

Host animals in SE Asia

Estimated DALYs lost per year

Risk factors


Bacterial (Brucella spp.)

Consumption of unpasteurised dairy and raw animal products; direct contact with infected animals/animal products; inhalation

Varies by region and strain – sheep, goats, cattle, buffalo, pigs


Swine contact in high risk occupations; food preparation and consumption practices


Bacterial (Coxiella spp.)

Consumption of unpasteurised dairy and raw animal products; direct/indirect contact with infected animals/animal products; inhalation

Cattle, sheep, goats, cats, dogs, pigs, rodents, ticks, wildlife


Swine contact in high risk occupations; food preparation and consumption practices


Parasitic (Trichinella spp.)

Consumption of raw/undercooked pork products

Mainly pigs; also wild boar, cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, rodents, wildlife


Pig husbandry; poor meat inspection; food preparation and consumption practices