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Table 2 Budget impact analyses with baseline parameters

From: Health economic evaluation of moist wound care in chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis ulcers in Afghanistan


Number of patients (N)a


WHO EMRO protocol

Group I

Group II

Group III

Health states


65 500

65 500

47 683

43 780

 Primary closure

81 621

81 621

104 868

86 712

 No primary closure





 Final closure

13 575

13 575

10 521

10 860

 No final closure




27 150


Budget impact (US$ 2013)a


No treatment

Group I

Group II

Group III

Health states


527 278

405 781

398 398

 Primary closure

1 020 261

1 483 888

1 418 602

 No primary closure

77 888

140 300

127 715

 Final closure

224 127

268 069

314 727

 No final closure

92 503

409 206

1 983 880


 Av. incidence (169 860 cases)

879 875

1 942 056

2 707 244

4 243 322

 Min. incidence (113 100 cases)

585 858

1 294 399

1 804 404

2 828 215

 Max. incidence (226 280 cases)

1 172 130

2 589 714

3 610 085

5 658 430

 NMLCP rep. Incidence (22 620 cases)

117 172

258 880

360 881

565 643


Drug cost (US$ 2013)a


WHO EMRO protocol

Group I

Group II

Group III

Health states


86 460

25 938

22 292

27 910

 Primary closure

430 958

129 287

196 104

221 115

 No primary closure

24 191


23 309

23 309

 Final closure

116 475

30 463

37 559

51 694

 No final closure

39 310

10 281

64 387

336 936


 Av. incidence (169 860 cases)

697 395

203 227

343 650

660 963

 Min. incidence (113 100 cases)

464 821

135 453

229 046

440 538

 Max. incidence (226 280 cases)

929 970

271 001

458 254

881 388

 NMLCP rep. Incidence (22 620 cases)

92 964

27 091

45 809

88 107

  1. a The budget impact calculations for the average estimated incidence differentiated by health states is calculated with the total average cost per patient with one lesion and the drug cost for each regimen. Drug costs represent solely the costs of SSG and DAC N-055 basic crème according to the pre-defined dosage and posology. The number of patients are based on estimated average incidence published by Alvar et al. [5] and the probability of final health states used in the present decision tree model. In case “no treatment” is administered, based on Afghan 2013 per capita income of US$ 700 and an average lesion duration of 303 days, according to our simple model and the educated guess, indirect cost due to one CL lesion amount to US$ 5.81. If additionally, productivity loss due to CL exceeds 1% of daily income, the societal budget impact of “no treatment” is considerable