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Table 1 List of urban health and vector-borne diseases scoping reviews included in this special issue and corresponding research teams

From: Supporting and strengthening research on urban health interventions for the prevention and control of vector-borne and other infectious diseases of poverty: scoping reviews and research gap analysis


Scoping Leader


Research team

Title of the review


Lyda Osorio

Universidad del Valle.

Cali, Colombia

Lyda Osorio, Jonny Alejandro Garcia, Luis Gabriel Parra, Victor Garcia, Laura Torres, Stéphanie Degroote, Valery Ridde

A scoping review on the field validation and implementation of rapid diagnostic tests for vector-borne and other infectious diseases of poverty in urban areas


Florence Fournet

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement. Montpellier, France

Florence Fournet, Frédéric Jourdain, Emmanuel Bonnet, Stéphanie Degroote, Valéry Ridde

Effective surveillance systems for vector-borne diseases in urban settings and translation the data into action: a scoping review


Clara Bermudez-Tamayo

Escuela Andaluza de Salud Publica. Grenanda, Spain

Jorge Marcos-Marcos, Antonio Olry de Labry-Lima, Silvia Toro-Cardenas, Marina Lacasaña, Stéphanie Degroote, Valéry Ridde, and Clara Bermudez-Tamayo

Impact, economic evaluation and sustainability of integrated vector management in urban settings to prevent vector-borne diseases: a scoping review


Marcus Eder and Celina Maria Turchi Martelli

Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Recife, Brazil

Marcus Eder, Fanny Cortes, Noêmia Teixeira de Siqueira Filha, Giovanny Vinícius Araújo de França, Stéphanie Degroote, Cynthia Braga, Valéry Ridde, Celina Maria, Turchi Martelli

Scoping review on vector-borne diseases in urban areas: transmission dynamics, vectorial capacity and co-infection


Kate Zinszer and Mabel Carabali

Université de Montréal.

Montréal, QC, Canada

Laurence Campeau, Stéphanie Degroote, Valery Ridde, Mabel Carabali, Kate Zinszer

Containment measures for emerging and re-emerging vector-borne and other infectious diseases of poverty in urban settings: a scoping review


Stéphanie Degroote

Université de Montréal.

Montréal, QC, Canada

Stéphanie Degroote, Kate Zinzser, Valery Ridde

Interventions for vector-borne diseases focused on housing and hygiene in urban areas: a scoping review