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Table 1 Applying Siddiqi et al. governance framework principles to tuberculosis (TB) control programme in Nigeria

From: Governance of tuberculosis control programme in Nigeria



Strategic vision

 Leaders should have strategic direction with clear priorities, roles and performance targets; and a shared long-term goal and strategic plan for health development

Enabling and constraining factors to development and implementation of plans and policies for TB control.

Participation and consensus orientation

 People should have voice in decision-making for health, either directly or through their legitimate intermediate institutions that represent their interests.

Enabling and constraining factors to coordination and consultation with service providers, service users and other sectors outside of TB programme and health.

Rule of Law

 Legal frameworks pertaining to health and standards, guidelines, policies, and regulations should be fair and enforced impartially.

Enabling and constraining factors to enforcement of public health laws and regulations governing TB control.


 Processes, institutions and information needed to understand, and monitor health matters are directly accessible to relevant health system actors when and where they are needed.

Enabling and constraining factors to ensuring transparency in resource allocation, decision-making, appointment and transfer of staff in TB control programme.


 Institutions and processes should try to serve all stakeholders to ensure that policies and programmes are responsive to health and non-health needs of its users

Enabling and constraining factors to integration of TB program into general health services as well as in the community, budget of TB and priority given to TB in resource allocation.

Equity and inclusiveness

 All men and women should have opportunities to improve or maintain their health and well-being.

Enabling and constraining factors to TB control equitable financing, access to services and anti-stigma programmes.

Effectiveness and efficiency

 Processes and institutions should produce results that meet population needs and influence health systems outcomes without waste of resources.

Enabling and constraining factors to ensuring human resources capacity building, infrastructural development and supply chain management of TB drugs and laboratory consumables.


 Decision makers and service providers are answerable to the public and institutional stakeholders for processes and outcomes.

Enabling and constraining factors to enforcement of citizen-driven accountability in TB control programme.

Intelligence and information

 Timely generation, collection, analysis and dissemination of accurate information to provide evidence for informed decisions that influence behaviour of different actors and interest groups.

Enabling and constraining factors to implementation of electronic data management system, generation and use of data for wider system monitoring and decision-making in TB control.


 Policies and institutional mechanisms should promote and enforce high ethical standards in healthcare and safeguard interests and rights of patients.

Enabling and constraining factors to enforcement ethical standards of care to ensure people-centred TB care.