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Table 4 Univariate and bivariate Moran statistics between raw and smoothed dengue incidence rates and social indicators. Northeast, Brazil, 2014–2017

From: Spatiotemporal dynamics, risk areas and social determinants of dengue in Northeastern Brazil, 2014–2017: an ecological study


Univariate Moran’s I (P-value)

Bivariate Moran’s I (P-value)

Raw rate

Smoothed rate

Raw dengue incidence rate

0.3104 (P = 0.001)*

Smoothed dengue incidence rate

0.3229 (P = 0.001)*

a. Population

 % urban population

0.0377 (P = 0.02)*

0.0021 (P = 0.32)

0.0019 (P = 0.33)

 Population density (inhab/km2)

0.1079 (P = 0.002)*

0.0134 (P = 0.04)*

0.0136 (P = 0.03)*

b. Education

 % of people aged 6 to 14 who do not attend school

0.1603 (P < 0.001)*

0.0159 (P = 0.01)*

0.0163 (P = 0.01)*

 Illiteracy rate of individuals aged 18 or over

0.4016 (P < 0.001)*

0.0233 (P < 0.001)*

0.2318 (P = 0.004)*

 % of people aged 18 or over without complete elementary education and in informal occupation

0.1600 (P < 0.001)*

0.0286 (P = 0.002)*

0.0293 (P = 0.002)*

c. Income

 Average income of the employed

0.2166 (P < 0.001)*

0.0087 (P = 0.09)

0.0087 (P = 0.09)

 % of income from work

0.02783 (P < 0.001)*

0.0272 (P = 0.001)*

0.0275 (P = 0.001)*

 % of people aged 15 to 24 who do not study, do not work and have a per capita household income equal to or less than half the minimum wage (2010)

0.1600 (P < 0.001)*

0.0286 (P = 0.001)*

0.0293 (P = 0.001)*

d. Housing

 % of households with access to piped water

0.2995 (P < 0.001)*

− 0.0356 (P = 0.005)*

− 0.0349 (P = 0.005)*

 % of households with access to electricity

0.4378 (P < 0.001)*

0.0838 (P = 0.002)*

0.0841 (P = 0.002)*

e. Social vulnerability

 % of mothers who are heads of household without elementary school and with minor children, in the total of mothers who are heads of families

0.4378 (P < 0.001)*

0.0972 (P = 0.002)*

0.0978 (P = 0.002)*

 % of vulnerable people who spend more than an hour to work among the employed population

0.3793 (P < 0.001)*

− 0.0031 (P = 0.31)

− 0.0035 (P = 0.29)

  1. *Statistically significant (P < 0.05); %: Percentage