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Table 6 Coding based on the approach of Strauss and Corbin on contextual conditions

From: Social innovation based on collaboration between government and non-governmental organizations in COVID-19 crisis: evidence from Iran

Macro category

Axis code

Open codes

Sample interview code

Social innovation based on the collaboration between government and NGOs in a crisis

Ability to policymaking overall social innovation plan

Ability to identify crisis features and characteristics, Ability to identify possible solutions to crisis management, Ability to select optimal solutions, Ability to organize for implementation, identify risks and opportunities for project implementation, Ability to define project performance evaluation indicators

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15

Providing the necessary cultural and educational infrastructure

Public awareness (media infrastructure including mass media and cyberspace, educational packages, local advertising), development of educational topics in the curriculum of primary and secondary schools, using the public acceptance of influential people in different strata and regions to spread the culture of participation in the community

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15

  1. NGO: Non-governmental organizations