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Table 3 Estimated percentage reduction in transmission by intervention since intensified strategy began

From: Update of transmission modelling and projections of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in the Mandoul focus, Chad

Transmission reduction by intervention





Total reduction (%)

100.0 (99.7–100.0)

100.0 (100.0–100.0)

Percentage of reduction attributed to AS and baseline PS

19.9 (12.8–28.5)

41.3 (27.4–55.7)

Percentage of reduction attributed to enhanced PS

5.6 (1.2–18.3)

23.6 (8.3–43.8)

Percentage of reduction attributed to VC

74.0 (57.8–84.4)

34.7 (13.9–58.2)

  1. Attributions to each strategy component are based on counterfactual strategy simulations. Medians are given with 95% credible intervals in brackets
  2. AS active screening, PS passive screening, VC vector control