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Archived Comments for: Research gaps for three main tropical diseases in the People’s Republic of China

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  1. Research gaps for malaria elimination in China

    Yan Bi, Queensland University of Technology

    15 August 2013

    I read the scoping review paper "Research gaps for three main tropical diseases in China" online of Infectious Disease of Poverty. It is a good paper which identified gaps for three main tropical diseases in China.

    This paper identified the first gap for malaria elimination as that lack of active surveillance in endemic area. That's the same point I have. Here, I suggest to apply GIS-based Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) to malaria elimination program in China which has been successfully conducted in Pacific Islands (i.e. Solomon Islands and Vanuatu). SDSS has been used to locate the distribution of confirmed malaria cases, classify active transmission foci, and guide responses in elimination regions in the research of Pacific Islands in 2011. Costs should also be considered in advance.

    Please see the link below:

    Competing interests

    No competing interest.
