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Table 5 Factors associated with multiple infections (n=27)

From: Prevalence of chronic infections and susceptibility to measles and varicella-zoster virus in Latin American immigrants


OR (95 % CI)

OR adjusteda (95 % CI)

Age >35

1.20 (0.56–2.59)

1.42 (0.64–3.19)


1.68 (0.70–4.03)

1.91 (0.78–4.70)

Bolivian origin

14.21 (3.35–60.31)

13.59 (3.19–57.91)

Rural origin

2.48 (1.12–5.50)

2.14 (0.95–4.84)

Less than 5 years out of Latin America

1.41 (0.64–3.12)

1.42 (0.62–3.24)

  1. aAdjusted for all factors in table