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Table 1 The intervention components, program outputs and outcomes, and associated indicators for the PMTCT of HBV component of the national programme on PMTCT of HIV, syphilis, and HBV in China

From: Outcomes of the national programme on prevention of mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B virus in China, 2016–2017

Intervention component

Program output


Program outcome


Pregnant Women

HBV screening of pregnant women attending antenatal care

Screening of pregnant women for HBsAg

Coverage of HBV screening for pregnant women


HBV-exposed Infants

HBIG 100 IU within 24 h of birth

Timely birth-dose (within 24 h of birth) of HBIG

Timely HBIG coverage (proportion of HBV-exposed infants receiving timely birth-dose of HBIG)

Reduction in HBV MTCT

HBsAg positivity amongst HBV-exposed infants in 1 year (MTCT rate)

Three-dose HBvacc (provided by EPI)

Timely HBvacc-BD (within 24 h of birth)

Timely HBvacc-BD coverage (proportion of HBV-exposed infants receiving timely HBvacc-BD)

Sero-protection from immunization

Anti-HBs positivity amongst HBV-exposed infants within 7–12 months (sero-protection rate)

Completion of the second and third dose HBvacc (after 1 month and 6 month of birth)

Proportion HBV-exposed infants completing three-dose HBvacc series

  1. PMTCT prevention of mother-to-child transmission, HBV hepatitis B virus, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen, HBIG hepatitis B immunoglobulin, IU international unit, HBvacc-BD hepatitis B vaccine birth dose, MTCT mother-to-child transmission, HBvacc hepatitis B vaccine, EPI expanded programme on immunization, anti-HBs hepatitis B surface antibody