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Table 1 Scalability in social innovation

From: Social innovation in diagnostics: three case studies


Social innovation approach/model

Current scope

Potential for scale up

Malawi - malaria LTK

Utilizing teachers to diagnose/treat malaria in school-age children

This specific study was conducted in Malawi, but similar models targeting malaria and other parasites have been successfully implemented in other countries as well.

Similar interventions could be implemented in schools in malaria endemic regions to improve rates of malaria diagnosis/treatment amongst school-age children.

Peru - HPV cervical sample self collection

Increasing HPV testing rates in rural Peruvian women through facilitating self-collection of cervical samples

This intervention took place in rural and resource-poor suburban communities within Peru. Similar interventions have been used in Uganda, Haiti, and Argentina.

Self-collection sampling techniques could be relevant in many areas where there is poor uptake of HPV screening and strong networks of local women to run and support the program.

China - crowdsourcing for HIV testing

Creating more culturally sensitive and impactful materials to promote HIV testing among MSM through an online crowdsourcing contest

This crowdsourcing contest was held in China, but crowdsourcing challenge contests in various forms have been successfully conducted in many global contexts (HIV testing RCT trial, protein folding/genome hackathons, etc.).

Crowdsourcing challenge contests could be useful in soliciting promotional materials for a variety of stigmatized diseases, such as hepatitis B/C and syphilis.

  1. HPV Human papillomavirus, HIV Human immunodeficiency virus, LTK Learner Treatment Kit