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Table 1 Parameters likely required for mechanistic modeling of mass drug administration using bacterial transmission mechanics.

From: Uses of mathematical modeling to estimate the impact of mass drug administration of antibiotics on antimicrobial resistance within and between communities

Parameter class

Number of parameters


Transmission rates (β)

N within-class and N-choose-2 between-class, where N is the number of host classes

Values depend on both host contact rates and probabilities of bacterial transmission per contact

Antibiotic use rates (τ)

1 per antibiotic and host class

More parameters are required if antibiotic use is explicitly time varying

Clearance rates (u)

1 per bacterial strain

Background processes of immunity or competition are assumed to clear bacteria from hosts

Resistance costs (c)

1 or 2 per resistant bacterial strain

Resistant strains are assumed to have lower transmission rates or higher clearance rates, relative to susceptible strains

Co-colonization parameters

Varies depending on co-colonization mechanisms

E.g., the model in Davies et al. [25] requires a co-colonization efficiency (k)

Initial conditions

1 per bacterial strain and host class

Starting prevalence of each strain

Vital dynamics

Varies depending on demographic model

Birth rates, migration rates, etc

  1. The identity of these parameters and their notation was drawn from recent mechanistic models of use and resistance [25, 52, 58]