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Fig. 4 | Infectious Diseases of Poverty

Fig. 4

From: Chromosome-scale genome of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mekongi and its implications for public health

Fig. 4

Phylogenetic relationships and genomic comparison of 12 species of flatworms. A Phylogenetic relationships of 12 species of flatworms. The red dots (for calibration) represent the divergence times retrieved from the study; B summary of gene family clustering inferred by using orthoMCL. 1:1:1 orthologs include the shared orthologs with the same number of copies in different species, N:N:N orthologs include the shared orthologs with different copy numbers in different species, patchy orthologs include the orthologs existing in at least one species, other orthologs include the unclassified orthologs, and unclustered genes include the genes that cannot be clustered into any cluster; C summary of shared gene family numbers in 12 species; D phylogenetic relationships of blood fluke-specific cercarial elastases (CEs) and their gene loci on scaffolds; E CE loci in four relatively good assemblies of schistosome species

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